Week Eleven - OK, OK, I FORGOT!

I admit it. I was far too preoccupied with my first essay hand over the last couple of weeks to even consider extra-curricular writing. But today is the last day before the Easter holidays, so so in a nutshell, weeks nine and ten were a blur. I read lots of cultural rights material. I’ve ordered a book on curatorial activism. Maybe I’ll just form my own Guerilla Girls. I’m all up for decolonising and giving power to the people.

I’m letting my hippy, socialist, freak flag fly. And it’s beautiful. I’ve spent hours pawing over books on the history of colour, Including a lovely book called An Atlas of Rare and Familiar Colour. Essentially, I’ve spent 3000 words to get to a point where I am basically calling Anish Kapoor a d***. Maybe I should have just put it in the footnotes? As a side note to this, I am super grateful that I have many friends and family willing to read my essay and help proofread. I’ve really needed it. I’m not sure if you can tell from this.

Aside from the essay, I have spent a bunch of time on the group project. This is just proving that I need to let go a little and let it happen. I’m not used to not having a grasp on a project, and I think I just need to switch my approach to be more supportive than productive. Every day’s a school day.

Our project is progressing, and I feel less worried about producing a podcast now. It feels achievable.  We are creating a limited series podcast talking to past, present students and lecturers, and I am so excited.  

Anyway, it’s the easter break, but with no real break because of the podcast. We’ll see what happens—link to various socials to follow. In the meantime, here is the Instagram for my first mini project at the beginning of the term. - Respirator Sphere

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